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Analýza krvi – Alterum Medica
ADRESA:Pri Suchom mlyne 6, 811 04 Bratislava Tel.:+421 907 777 008

Analysis of blood and internal organs of your body

Total blood and internal organ status examination – in vivo

Express 6-minute examination, no vein injection – in vitro – “gold standard” results in 131 blood and internal organ status measured

Non-invasive blood analyzer ANESA / AMP analyzer
Dr. Malychin A / Pulavsky.A – In vivo method

– the method by which the thermodynamic temperature of the individual points is measured; bioactive dots, thermosensors, on the patient’s body surface

1. Right and left carotid artery bifurcation (two points)
2. Right and left armpits (two points)
3. Navel / Regio paraumbilicalis (one point)
+ the patient’s weight, respiratory rate, pulse and atmospheric pressure are entered into the computer system / the device generates it by itself /

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In vitro versus in vivo method
Classical medicine uses mainly in vitro methods (wet analysis) to determine various blood parameters. The in vitro method, although it has fit into the ‘gold standard’ position, as it now appears, has a huge standardization problem. These problems of standardizing “in vitro” analytical methods were also presented by participants at this year’s International Symposium in Barcelona (VIII. Simpósium Europeu). Participants from different countries very openly stated that achieving standardization, even in one larger hospital, is quite difficult, even impossible. Why? It should be noted that innumerable factors, both known and unknown, affect the accuracy and veracity of the result measured by the in vitro method. Their complete elemination is virtually impossible. The effect of these factors is manifested in the considerable variability of the analysis results in inter- and intra-comparative studies. However, much of these known and unknown factors can be eliminated today by new measurement methods that are now being introduced into medicine. Optical or electro-impedance methods for measuring blood parameters and systems are now commonly used.
From the viewpoint of analytical chemistry in an in vivo measurement, a certain set of possible errors that are commonly encountered in the in vitro method and which is summarized under the accuracy of the result is eliminated. Accuracy of results is often influenced by in vitro method of measuring any parameter in blood often by accuracy and accuracy of sampling, time between collection and time of measurement, transport and storage of sample, accuracy and accuracy of measurement in a huge mixture of substances unknown to us. parameter measurement process, reagent quality, calibration, personnel quality, etc. In practice, all these ills of the in vitro method in the in vivo method of measuring blood parameters are eliminated. Clinical investigations confirmed that non-invasive blood analysis using the AMP analyzer (ANESA) statistically demonstrated nearly 100% reproducibility of the parameter measurements alone and a high compliance with the in vitro measured parameters. The measurement method itself is very simple, itself. Thus, the in vivo method of measuring blood parameters using a non-invasive AMP (ANESA) analyzer predisposes the device primarily for first-contact physicians but also for routine analysis to monitor the development of pathology or the quality of therapy in clinics or hospitals. What is important to know at the end: super knowledge of human physiology.

Principle of the method: The principle of function of the non-invasive blood count analyzer and AMP / ANESA metabolites is based on processing of measured temperatures recorded at biologically active, “reference” points of the human body surface and on patient parameters entered into the computer system.

The result

The result is molecules of chemical reaction products, work and heat. The chemical reaction products of an organism can be determined either in vitro (in a test tube) or in vivo (in an organism) in blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, or exhaled air. The only difference is that in vitro measurements take place under laboratory measurement conditions and in vivo under physiological conditions of the organism. The differences in the conditions of the parameters measurement also determine the possibility of comparing the measured individual parameters. Clinical trials have shown that the vast majority of parameters measured by both methods are comparable.
The analysis provides 131 parameters of blood and organism systems:
– the state of the body in terms of functionality, hemodynamic balance, fluid exchange and gas homeostasis
– central nervous system condition,
– the condition of the cardiovascular complex,
– functional values ​​of the lungs
– diagnostics and functional parameters of the liver and kidneys
– the interconnection of enzyme systems with the immune system.

Principle of the method: The principle of function of the non-invasive blood count analyzer and AMP / ANESA metabolites is based on processing of measured temperatures recorded at biologically active, “reference” points of the human body surface and on patient parameters entered into the computer system.


  • the result is immediately available to the physician immediately after the measurement.
  • consultation with a doctor is possible immediately after analysis.
  • the measurement is painless – no puncture into the vein
  • requires minimal preparation of the patient for the operation
  • seamless measurement repeatability

Duration of analysis: 3 minutes for children 3-15 years old
6 minutes for adult screening
9 minutes in extreme cases

About Alterum Medica

We are a clinic of non-invasive diagnosis and treatment of diseases, which offers above-standard diagnostic, preventive and curative health care in the medical fields of internal medicine, oncology, cardiology, sports traumatology, diabetesology, dietology, rheumatology, surgery, dermynology, aesthetics, germ, gastroenterology, nephrology and dentistry.

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+421 907 777 008

If you have any questions, questions and uncertainties contact us without hesitation by phone or mail. We are ready to answer.

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