ADRESA:Pri Suchom mlyne 6, 811 04 Bratislava Tel.:+421 907 777 008

NO terapia – PLASON

A new method of treatment – a breakthrough in the fight against pain, inflammation and infection involving bacteria, viruses and mold.

Plason® treatment is a highly effective treatment method based on the action of exogenous nitric oxide and air plasma.

Nitric oxide

NO is a naturally occurring gas in our body and today it is the most studied molecule that is essential to our health. Discovery of r. 1987, that our cells produce nitric oxide, whose long-term low concentration is responsible for pathological processes in our organism.

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NO is a naturally occurring gas in our body and today it is the most studied molecule that is essential to our health. Discovery of r. 1987, that our cells produce nitric oxide, whose long-term low concentration is responsible for pathological processes in our body, especially in the cardiovascular, nervous, but also immune-inflammatory system, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine. / for the group of scientists Dr.L.J. Ignarro, R.F. Furchgott. F. Murad / It occurs in all systems of our body in various concentrations according to age or disease that the organism overcomes. Its production declines after 25 years of life and rapidly declines after 40 years.

Have you noticed? People whose profession is sport or dance, you can not guess their true age; This is because increased physical exertion every day stimulates the formation of NO and thus the concentration of NO is likely to remain at those higher values ​​(than by the age of 25). NO affects the function of virtually all body organs, including the lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, genitals, and of course the heart. It is known that the previously EDRF (endothel derived relaxing factor) as a vascular endothelium releasing agent is actually nitric oxide. In medicine we know its use in cardiology – NO group donors, beta-blockers / stimulate NO production in the endothelium, ACE blockers / can promote NO release in the endothelium of vessels / NO is sometimes used as a gas for inhalation in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and lung hypertension in newborns. Viagra (sildanafil) is known for erectile dysfunction, the final metabolite of which is NO.

Therapeutic effects of NO-therapy:

  • Significantly faster regeneration of skin, muscle and tendon defects
  • Treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of joints, nerves.
  • Highly effective treatment for people with diabetes mellitus and accompanying symptoms – diabetic foot, neuropathy, nephropathy.
  • A significant stimulant of the immune system and organs with reduced functions.
  • NO therapy – Plason is increasingly being researched, mainly due to its versatile use and its endless possibilities.

Advantages of NO therapy

  • local impact on the pathological focus, thus avoiding general side effects, such as the use of nitric preparations – medical donors of the NO group
  • Influence of polyfunctional NO on all phases of inflammatory-regeneration process, which determines high effectiveness of treatment in various medical fields
  • painless and non-invasive


Therapeutic and preventive effect of NO therapy – Plason

  • Plason in Otorhinolaryngology:
  • Plason in the field of dentistry:
  • Plason in the field of gynecology:
  • Plason in orthopedics and rheumatology:
  • Plason in cardiology:
  • Plason in the field of dermatology:
  • Plason in the field of ophthalmology:
  • Plason in the field of sexology:
  • Plason in the field of neurology:
  • Plason in the field of immunology and oncology:
  • Plason and sport & dance:
  • Plason in people with mild to severe diabetes:
  • Plason in gastroenterology:
  • Plason in Traumatology and Sports Traumatology:
Plason in Otorhinolaryngology:

Acute laryngotracheobronchitis, tracheostomy, sinusitis of various localities (including polypous), pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, phlegmon neck, rhinitis, acute and chronic otitis media, bacterial otitis media, neurosensory loss of the ear, neurosensory strata, neurosensory loss snoring.

Plason in the field of dentistry:

Acute laryngotracheobronchitis, tracheostomy, sinusitis various localities (including polyposis), pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, phlegmon neck, rhinitis, acute and chronic otitis media, neurosensory loss, snoring.

Plason in the field of gynecology:

Vulvitis, cervical erosion, genital candillomas, postoperative wounds, purulent-inflammatory diseases of uterine perimetry and its appendages, bacterial vaginoses, fungal vulvovaginitis.

  • protects pregnancy – prevents the development of uterine muscle cramps and prevents premature labor
Plason in orthopedics and rheumatology:

Arthrosis of the knee, hip, shoulder, tennis elbow, coxitis / irritated hip / back pain / dorsalgia /.

  • increases blood flow to joint tissue, stimulates collagen, thus preventing cartilage wear (chondropathy)
  • reduces swelling and pain in rheumatoid arthritis, DNA
Plason in cardiology:

Effective vasodilator

Hypertension develops in long-term NO deficiency.

  • maintains and improves vascular elasticity and thereby regulates blood pressure
  • prevents the formation of blood clots (antithrombotic effect) which are the cause of stroke and heart attack
  • prevents the build-up of cholesterol in blood vessels, which blocks arteries and thus reduces the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the heart
Plason in the field of dermatology:
  • treatment of acne, allergies, psoriasis, destruction of skin tumors
  • herpes simplex treatment
  • preparation for autodermoplasty, muscle and skin-muscle plastics and prevention of graft graft rejection
  • acceleration of regeneration after aesthetic interventions
  • Anti – aging effects – stimulates collagen
  • accelerates wound healing, including postoperative wounds
  • prevents pathological scarring
  • treats any disease manifestations on the skin attacked by bacteria (it destroys bacteria to sterilize the skin) and viruses, fungi
  • accelerates skin regeneration after burns
  • treatment of infectious wounds, long-term non-healing wounds / diabetic foot, leg ulcers, pressure sores /
Plason in the field of ophthalmology:
  • Erosion, invasive damage and corneal burn, conjunctival burn ischemia.

Plason in the field of sexology:
  • It replaces Viagra (sildenatil citrate), which increases the blood flow of the genitals, increases the libido, enhances the orgasm.

Plason in the field of neurology:
  • Effective neurotransmitter.

Through intact skin affects neurovascular bundles, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigeminal inflammation, other neuralgia, neuropathy.

  • helps improve concentration, memory, learning, because the brain uses it to store and handle long-term memories and to transmit information
  • appears to play an important role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease
Plason in the field of immunology and oncology:
  • stimulates the immune system
  • reduces pathological proliferation in certain types of cancer cells
  • damage from chemo-, radio-therapy
Plason and sport & dance:
  • improves blood flow to all organs, ensuring maximum blood flow and oxygenation of your muscles during and after training. Thanks to this effect, all the necessary amino acids and glucose are delivered to the working and exhausted muscles through blood, ensuring maximum glycogen and muscle fiber recovery
  • increases sports performance – fitness, stamina, strength
  • promotes muscle growth
  • accelerates the flushing off of metabolic waste products and thus accelerates muscle recovery (regeneration)
Plason in people with mild to severe diabetes:
  • heals diabetic foot – helps blood vessels to grow, preventing limb amputations
  • accelerates the regeneration of skin defects
  • stimulates the pancreas to function properly and stimulates the secretion of insulin
Plason in gastroenterology:
  • it prevents the development of gastric ulcers because it ensures normal blood flow to the digestive system
  • treatment of hemorrhoids
Plason in Traumatology and Sports Traumatology:
  • regenerates muscles after inflammation, microcracks of muscle fibers, tendon inflammation
  • acceleration of regeneration of postoperative wounds and fractures, post-traumatic conditions, burns
  • stops bleeding – an effective coagulator
  • treatment of infectious wounds, long-term non-healing wounds

About Alterum Medica

We are a clinic of non-invasive diagnosis and treatment of diseases, which offers above-standard diagnostic, preventive and curative health care in the medical fields of internal medicine, oncology, cardiology, sports traumatology, diabetesology, dietology, rheumatology, surgery, dermynology, aesthetics, germ, gastroenterology, nephrology and dentistry.

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+421 907 777 008

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